Saturday 14 September 2013

Jarrod Rouge

Name: Jarrod Rouge
age: 12/13
looks: Greyson Chance
personality: kind, funny, playful, smart, sporty
other: can play keyboard and drums and does boxing

Monday 2 September 2013

Lucas Rouge


Name: Lucas Ethan Rouge
age: 16/17
looks: Kenny Wormald
personality: basically the same as Bridget but he's more of a show off!
talents: Brilliant at dancing, Loud and Amazing at singing, can play guitar and keyboard
others: Cousin with Selena and Aaron and is a older brother to Bridget

This is what Lucas sounds like when he sings.

Bridget Rouge


Name: Bridget Anne Rouge
 age: 16/17
looks: Emilie Voe Nereng  

Others: younger
 sister to Lucas and
cousin to selena and arron
Here's some of her outfits...

This Song below here also sums up her personality!
This is what Bridget sounds like when she singst
This is Bridget as anime ooh flowers!hehe

Bridget's rock outfits
Winter/warm clothes
School outfits
Sports outfits

Chilled outfits/normal outfits


Bridget's dresses

Halloween costume

   This is her room and Pjs and stuff